Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

The Adjective

To identify adjectives and the words they modify in a paragraph
To complete a story by inserting appropriate adjectives
To identify common and proper adjectives in a paragraph
To convert proper nouns into proper adjectives and to use the proper adjectives in sentences
To write a radio broadcast of five sentences that include a variety of adjectives

 Evaluating and Revising Now, read through your report and imagine that you don't know the subject. What do you think about him or her? Does the person sound special? If not, you may want to add or cut details or rearrange your report. Read your report aloud to hear whether it sounds choppy. Combine short, related sentences by inserting prepositional phrases or appositive phrases. For more about combining sentences, see pages 361-371. Look closely at your use of pronouns. Be sure that each pronoun has a clear antecedent. You may need to revise some sentences to make the antecedents clear.
[1] ·        [2]  Proofreading and Publishing Check to see that you have spelled and capitalized all proper names correctly. You andi your classmates may want to use your reports to make a classroom bulletin board display. If possible, include pic-i tures or drawings of your subjects. You may also wish to; send a copy of your report to the person you wrote about.
An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun. To modify a word means to describe the word or to make-; its meaning more definite. An adjective modifies a nounj or a pronoun by telling what kind, which one, how much, or how many.
Happy children
Seventh grade
Full tank
Busy dentist
These countries
Five dollars
Sunny day
Any book
No marbels
Sometimes an adjective may come after the word that it modifies.
EXAMPLES          The box is empty. [The adjective empty modifies box.]
A woman, kind and helpful, gave us directions.
[The adjectives kind and helpful modify woman.}
The most commonly used adjectives are a, an, and the. These adjectives are called articles. A and an are called indefinite articles because they refer to someone or some­thing in general. The is called a definite article because it refers to someone or something in particular.
Nouns Used as Adjectives
When a noun modifies another noun or a pronoun, it is considered an adjective.
General Strategies. In English, descriptive adjectives usually precede the nouns they modify, as in big house. However in many languages, such as Khmer, Portuguese, Spanish, and Viet­namese, adjectives usually follow the nouns, as in house big. Speakers of these languages may have difficulty identify­ing adjectives in English. Stress the adjective-noun order in English by writ­ing several adjective-noun pairs on the chalkboard and by having students read the words aloud and correctly label the parts of speech.
Related Expression Skills.
students to create cartoons that mention any of the parts of speech discussed in this chapter. Then have the class use the cartoons to make a display for the class­room.
Nouns Used as Adjectives
When a noun modifies another noun or a pronoun, it is considered an adjective.
Bean soup
Spring weather
Gold coin
Football game
Integrating The Language Arts
Literature Link. Have students read a story such as "Three Skeleton Key" by George G. Toudouze in which description is used to create a mood. Then discuss with students what mood is created and which adjectives serve to reinforce the mood. For example, in "Three Skeleton Key" description serves to create a mood of horror and sus­pense. Some of the adjectives that con­tribute to this mood are terrifying, nauseating, horrible, foul, maniacal, and weird.
Grammar and Vocabulary. Tel! students that well-chosen adjectives can make their writing more colorful and descriptive. Write the following sen­tences on the chalkboard. Have students replace the underscored adjectives with vivid, descriptive adjectives that do not change the meanings of the sentences.
1. The hot sun had made us thirsty.
2. We saw a cute panda at the zoo.
3. Everybody thinks she is such a nice girl.
4. What a pretty day!


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